KRAKKA SKINNERS sokkar - Bláir (stærðir frá 26-35)
KRAKKA SKINNERS sokkar - Bláir (stærðir frá 26-35)
KRAKKA SKINNERS sokkar - Bláir (stærðir frá 26-35)

KRAKKA SKINNERS sokkar - Bláir (stærðir frá 26-35)

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Að hlaupa/labba í Skinners er eins og að vera berfætt/ur í náttúrunni! Við þjálfum vöðvana og sinarnar í fætinum og komum í veg fyrir að við myndum rangt hlaupa/göngulag - rangt hreyfingamynstur eða ójafnvægi í líkamanum.
Grófur 3 mm sveigjanlegur botn. Án allra eiturefna líkt og BPA og þalöt (e. phthalates).

SKINNERS sokkarnir eru handgerðir í Evrópu úr hágæða sænsku efni og bakteríudrepandi trefjum. Þeir eru án allra eiturefna líkt og BPA og þalöt (e. phthalates). Þegar Skinners óhreinkast þá er lítið mál að skella þeim í þvottavélina á lágum straum.  

Skinners sokkarnir styðja við rétta þróun á vöðvum og sinum líkamans þar sem notkun þeirra er í raun eins og að ganga/hlaupa berfættur. 
Hugsanlega hefur langvarandi notkun á hefðbundnum skófatnaði valdið veikleika í vöðvum og sinum fótanna og því þurfum við stundum að venjast Skinners sokkunum hægt og rólega og byggja upp styrk. Gott er að byrja á að hlaupa/labba styttri vegalengdir og smámsaman bæta við lengdina.
Gott er að bera þetta saman við þegar læknir fjarlægir gifs af handleggi sjúklings eftir að brot hefur lagast. Vöðvar og sinar handleggsins eru veikari en áður og sjúklingurinn þarf hægt og rólega að þjálfa handlegginn til að ná aftur upp styrk. Það sama á við um fæturnar okkar. Við erum vön að hlaupa/labba í skóm með miklum stuðning og þurfum því að þjálfa fætur okkar upp á nýtt. 
Við mælum ekki með að hlaupa í Skinners á hættulegu undirlagi þar sem við myndum ekki hlaupa berfætt.

“We tried almost everything on the market but nothing was versatile enough to serve the needs of a modern active person: light, portable, breathable/functional, and well-fitting, while still providing decent foot protection. So we came up with a simple but complex solution - lightweight yet durable, odor-resistant Skinners with an added cooling effect.”

We simply put innovation into every step. Skinners are hand-made in Europe using a dual coating of durable anti-abrasive polymer made from the finest Swedish materials and antibacterial fiber. And when they get dirty, just throw them in the washer on the gentle cycle.


FITNESS, YOGA – Socks, flip-flops, running shoes – the footwear of gym-lovers. Each kind has its pros and cons, its lovers and its haters. Skinners disrupt this trinity of gym footwear and combine the advantages of each – the freedom of a sock, the great grip and the basic protection of shoes packed into two nifty pieces of portable awesomeness. And we almost forgot: they are antibacterial and washable.

 – That 10-hour flight or bus ride can be tough on your feet – trapped in shoes simply because you can’t take them off due to the cold, dirty ground or embarrassing odor. And what about that extra pair of shoes you pack “just in case” that you never end up using? Kill two birds with one stone and try Skinners! They give you the comfort you need while not taking up any extra space in your luggage.

 Those 4-lb. boots got the job done on that 20-mile hike but now it’s time to take off those heavy casts and give your feet a rest. Skinners let you move around the campground without getting dirty, wet or stung.

RUNNING, ATHLETICS – Enrich your training or stretching session and awaken your senses. Skinners’ thin, elastic underside simulates the barefoot experience and forces your feet to adapt to the terrain. This leads to more effective training of all your foot muscles and tendons (practice it on natural or soft surfaces). A strong athlete starts with strong feet. Simply put, you can’t build a skyscraper on a weak foundation.
We’re not saying people should throw away their $150 running shoes and start running in Skinners once and for all. We believe using Skinners is good for proper muscle and tendon development since using them is really like running barefoot. We recommend starting out with a training session on natural or soft surfaces (basically any surface where a person would naturally run barefoot). Start with short distances and gradually work up from there. It’s possible that previous long-term use of constrictive or rigid footwear may have led to weakened foot muscles and tendons. Think of it like a doctor removing the cast from a patient’s arm after healing from a break. Its muscles and tendons are also weakened and the patient then has to gradually train them to regain strength. The same thing goes for your feet. As for asphalt, other hard surfaces, long distances or dangerous environments where you wouldn’t run barefoot, we recommend sticking to classic running shoes.

 Getting to the bike path, descending hills or getting over other obstacles in the way can be tough with your rollerblades on. But then again, who wants to spend their whole ride with a sweaty back from carrying their spare shoes around? Not many of us. So leave the pack at home and try ultraportable Skinners. They fit easily your pocket and you’ll forget they’re even there, leaving you to enjoy your ride to the fullest.

take Skinners on your next walk with your dog, use them in the office, at home or around the house. Take them to a beach-volleyball game, slackline session or wherever you want. The possibilities are endless…