100% náttúrulegt kerti - VanVan oil and eucalyptus oil

100% náttúrulegt kerti - VanVan oil and eucalyptus oil

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100% náttúruleg kerti - handunnið í Þýskalandi
Inniheldur náttúrulegar olíur - VanVan oil og eucalyptus oil
Brennslutími: 72 klst
Kemur í fallegri gjafaöskju
Hæð: 16 cm
Þvermál: 7 cm


Against energetic attacks
This candle repels energetic attacks and frees us and our rooms from external energies. Through this we gain strength and clarity.
This black-violet candle should be lit in a waning moon phase and continue to burn continuously until it goes out on its own. When lighting it, ask for the solution of your issues. Finally, thank the candle.
The candle contains VanVan oil and eucalyptus oil
H: 16 cm, ø 7 cm

This candle is a high-quality transformation candle, which is made with the power of the moon and ritual oil mixtures from very old traditions. It is VanVan oil and Abramelin oil. It has the power to make a difference in our lives, to mitigate problems and change views.
In primeval times candles were lit to connect with the light, to give thanks and to ask for help. In combination with the oils this power is strengthened and directed in a loving direction.
The essential oils are of high quality and 100% natural. The candles are handcrafted in Germany and are made to the correspondingly effective moon phases.
They are made of palm wax (kbA), the burning time is approx. 72 hours.
In a noble gift box